Q: What type of metal will SHARKHIDE work on?
A: SHARKHIDE can be applied to Aluminum, Polished Aluminum, Diamond Plate, Copper, Brass, Steel, Stainless Steel, or any other metal you want to prevent from staining and discoloring.
Q: Can you see SHARKHIDE once it's applied?
A: SHARKHIDE is virtually invisible on any metal surface other than a high polished surface. On a high polish finish, SHARKHIDE when wiped on, can sometimes leave a slight rainbow sheen, like on a soap bubble. This will somewhat lessen with a second coat and it also tends to diminish with time.
Q: Will SHARKHIDE work on painted surfaces?
A: Yes, SHARKHIDE can be applied to dull painted surfaces that are beginning to get chalky and oxidized. SHARKHIDE will prevent the chalky finish from returning as well as bring back a rich shiny finish.
Q: Can SHARKHIDE be used on Fiberglass?
A: Yes, SHARKHIDE restores the appearance of old faded Gel Coat as well as sealing it off so it won't take on a permanent water line.
Q: Will Sunlight cause SHARKHIDE to yellow?
A: NO! SHARKHIDE will not EVER yellow or discolor.
Q: What will SHARKHIDE protect against?
A: SHARKHIDE will protect your surfaces from water (fresh, salt, brackish), acid rain, salt spray, humidity, alkaline, soot, and all road deicers (known at this time).
Q: Will SHARKHIDE keep Moss and Algae from growing on my boat hull?
A: NO!!! SHARKHIDE is a metal protectant, NOT an "Anti Fouling" bottom paint.
Q: How long will the average application last?
A: On things like Motorcycles, Street Rods, Aircraft and other things that see limited fair weather use, it's not uncommon to get 6 or more years of protection between coats.
On heavily used things like Big rigs, Dump trailers, Fire and Rescue equipment, you may need to re-coat every 1 to 4 years.
On boats that are kept on the trailer, or on a lift, it's not uncommon to get 3 to 5 years of protection. If you leave your boat in the slip all season long, from the water line down, it may last a month, or it may last a couple of years.
There are just too many variables such as water conditions and content, as well as severity of marine growth etc. But from the water line up, you can expect the same protection as any other boat.
Q: How do I apply SHARKHIDE?
A: SHARKHIDE can be applied by wipe, spray, brush, or dip, depending on the surface texture and desired finish. Generally speaking, for a smooth finish, the preferred method is to wipe it on.
Q: What type of cloth should I use to wipe SHARKHIDE on?
A: A WHITE COTTON BABY DIAPER is the best cloth for the job.
Q: Can I use other items to wipe on SHARKHIDE?
A: Since we've not tested all other types of applicators, we can only tell you to avoid the following things. Lint, textures (such as terrycloth or microfiber), dyes, detergent residue, dry cleaning chemicals, sponges or any thing else that will leave anything behind in the SHARKHIDE clear coat. Since a Cotton Baby Diaper has none of these properties, why not stick to that?
Q: Can I use a spray bottle or garden sprayer to apply?
A: No, they will not sufficiently atomize the SHARKHIDE and it will create runs.
Q: Can I spray SHARKHIDE on with an automotive type spray gun?
A: Yes, but SHARKHIDE is difficult to spray due to its thin viscosity as well as it's very rapid dry time. Practice setting your gun on a scrap piece of metal so it doesn't leave dry streaks, or runs before you try it on your project.
Q: What temperature is it safe to apply SHARKHIDE?
A: SHARKHIDE can be applied at any temperature. Keep in mind however, the cooler the temperature, the longer it takes to dry so it has more time to flow out leaving a smoother finish. So in other words, you'll get a better finish at 50 degrees, than at 90 degrees.
Q: Can I apply SHARKHIDE in the sun?
A: Yes you can, but keep in mind, although it may be a cool 65 degree day, the metals surface temperature may be 90 degrees or higher. So try to avoid direct
sunlight, if at all possible
Q: How fast will SHARKHIDE dry?
A: SHARKHIDE will dry to the touch in about 60 to 90 seconds in 75 degree temperatures. Faster in warmer temperatures, and slower in colder temperatures.
Q: Should I put a second coat on?
A: Although not required, we strongly recommend at least two coats. Since SHARKHIDE is a clear liquid, it's very easy to miss spots. With a second coat, it's virtually impossible to miss the same spot twice.
Q: Can I put more than two coats of SHARKHIDE on?
A: Yes, you can put 3 or more coats on since SHARKHIDE is such a thin film. You can't put too many on.
Q: How soon can I put a second coat on?
A: You can put a second coat on immediately, however, it's better if you'll allow the SHARKHIDE to "Cure" first before a second coat.
Q: What is "Cure Time"?
A: Although SHARKHIDE dries to the touch in just a few seconds, there's still solvents evaporating out of the finish. This can take as little as 2 or 3 hours, or as long as 24 or more hours depending on temperature and humidity.
Q: Why let SHARKHIDE cure before a second coat?
A: If you allow SHARKHIDE to "Cure" Before you re-coat, the second coat will not have enough time to dissolve the first, leaving you with a double build up, which means longer protection time between re coating.
Q: Do I need to sand or prep the first coat before applying the second?
A: No. There is no preparation needed before you apply a second coat. SHARKHIDE is "Self Etching" (melts and blends into the first coat) so it will blend into your first coat without layers or seams.
Q: Do I need to remove the first SHARKHIDE application before I reapply years later?
A: No. All you need to do is wash the surface with warm soap and water, rinse, dry, and apply the new coat.
Q: How do I maintain my SHARKHIDE finish?
A: Simply use a mild warm soap and water solution just as you would on your car.
Q: What products will harm my SHARKHIDE finish?
A: Any petroleum based product like gasoline, solvents, thinners, or any other product's that contain petroleum's, such as waxes and polish's. Also some acid's
and certain cleaners. Since it's absolutely impossible to test all product's for their effects on SHARKHIDE, don't apply anything other than a mild soap solution and you shouldn't have any problems.
Q: What can I do to remove SHARKHIDE?
A: SHARKHIDE can be easily removed with Lacquer Thinner no matter how long it's been on a surface.
Q: How do I remove SHARKHIDE from a small area?
A: Simply saturate a cloth or paper towel with Lacquer Thinner and scrub it off.
Q: How about removing SHARKHIDE from a large area?
A: Put Lacquer Thinner in a quart spray bottle, set the spray nozzle to a fine spray, and concentrate the spray in about a two foot area. Continuously spray the
area without allowing the thinner to evaporate. Once the SHARKHIDE softens and turns to a jell, swipe it away with paper towels